
Content marketing is the creation and delivery of valuable and relevant content using platforms such as email, social media, blog, podcasts etc.

At the core, content marketing is used to create narratives between you and your target audience creating engagement and overall increase purchase conversions. This is a style of marketing that resonates with consumers as it is used to educate, inspire and build trust.

At Prestige, we have lots of digital assets to offer you, but we understand it can be difficult knowing what to do with these. In this blog we can going dive into how to you can utilise the assets available to you in the form of content marketing! 


Creating content 

Content creation is a fantastic way to create brand image, something that will set you apart from your competitors. Content marketing allows you to tailor your content based on what your customers want to see from you, putting a unique perspective on it.  

For content marketing, it is important to make use of all platforms available to you, this will allow you to create and send out consistent messages to new and existing customers. 

When creating a content marketing strategy, it is not all about the content you produce, you need to have a clear vision of the aim of the content, who you want it to reach and lastly what do you want the content to look like.  


When should you use content marketing? 

Quality content marketing can be used in the form of websites, email, social media and SEO. Content marketing can be integrated into these channels to enhance engagement.  

Your website is a place where customers seek information about your product therefore its important the content on your website is eye-catching and engaging enough to draw people to visit and make purchases on your site. If the content on your website is effective, you will be higher up on peoples search engines making your business easy to find, leading to brand awareness and an increase of new customers. 

Email marketing can be used to create suspense and anticipation, using effective language and eye-catching images to gain the attention of your audience. It is a way of getting customers to follow through to links such as specific products on your website, this is known as call-to-action and can be used as a way of increasing your conversion rate. 

Social media is a great way to spread your brands message to a wide audience of customers and non-customers. Each platform can be used for various types of content such as images, videos, live videos and stories. Creating good content on social media sparks likes, comments and shares leading to an influx of word of mouth.  

It's important to note that you don't have to use all platforms within these categories. You will know what platforms work best for your customers and what will attract the most engagement. 


How we can help?

At Prestige, we have hundreds of marketing assets for you to get your hands on. Our Marketing Tool Kit is a complementary SharePoint where you can access all our brands assets such as images, specification sheet, brochures etc. We have provided you with product images and information that you can include in your content marketing, to create your own story. Add your company logos, fonts and graphics to align the image with your brand, creating credibility.  

Furthermore, we can provide you with brochures and product information so you can get to know the products you sell and in turn, you can create content to show off not only your industry knowledge but your product offerings. This will help you build and encourage trust and loyalty amongst you and your customers.  

We can also point you in the right direction of the best platforms you can use, to create and deliver your content strategy! Here is a list of websites and applications that will you get your content creation started... 

Canva is a great tool for adding text and graphics to images - Home - Canva 

Hubspot is a helpful tool for sizing your social posts - Image size requirements for social posts ( 

Hootsuite can be used to plan and schedule your content - Hootsuite | Social Media Marketing and Management Tool 

Mailchimp can be utilised to create and schedule email marketing - Marketing, Automation & Email Platform | Mailchimp